Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom Original Soundtrack

Album Title: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM Original Soundtrack
Anime: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM
Artist: Toshihiko Sahashi
Composer: Toshihiko Sahashi
Release Date: January 26, 2024
Catalog Number: SRML-1069
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Listening to the Gundam SEED Freedom Soundtrack feels like a walk down memory lane of sorts. After all, it’s been over 20 years since composer Toshihiko Sahashi made his Gundam soundtrack debut with Gundam SEED and not-quite-but-pretty-darn-close to 20 years since his work on Gundam SEED Destiny got released. And in this latest offering, Sahashi takes a lot of the well-worn motifs from Gundam SEED and puts a new spin on them.

Throughout the Gundam SEED Freedom soundtrack, you’ll hear pieces like Lacus’s theme emerge in tracks like “Lacus’ Worries”. Naturally, Lacus’s song, “Shizukana Yoru Ni” (“Quiet Night”) also surfaces in tracks like “Long Awaited Moment”. All that’s to say that Gundam SEED fans should find a lot to like in this soundtrack and feel the nostalgia bubble up. But even if you don’t have those nostalgia goggles, there’s still plenty of solid tracks that carry Sahashi’s trademark epic orchestral flair for folks to enjoy.

Gundam SEED Freedom Soundtrack Sampler

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